Riccardo Bonzi
Curriculum Vitae
Avv. Riccardo Bonzi
I graduated from the University of Bologna in 2013, with a dissertation on labour law regarding the employment of sports teachers (supervisor Prof. Sandro Mainardi). I have been enrolled in the register of lawyers of Bologna since March 2016.
I worked for Maffei Alberti e Associati law firm from 2015 to 2020, first as a staff member and then as an associate.
During the 2018-2019 academic year, I attended the seventh edition of the Corso di perfezionamento per giuristi d’impresa (advanced course for commercial lawyers) organized at the Bocconi University in Milan.
I practise my profession in civil and commercial fields – particularly with regard to corporate law, company law, corporate crisis law and banking law – both in and out of court. In particular, I have been able to accrue a significant experience in M&A transactions.
I have an excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.
I’m the author of some publications in texts and journals on corporate law and crisis law.
- Commento agli artt. 174 – 175, 385 – 388 CCII, nonché agli artt. 92 – 94 d.lgs. 270/1999, in AA.VV., Commentario breve alle leggi su crisi d’impresa ed insolvenza, a cura di A. Maffei Alberti, Padova, 2023;
- Il protocollo di conduzione della composizione negoziata, paragrafi 11-13-14, sub cap. VI, in AA.VV., Il ruolo dell’Esperto nella Composizione Negoziata per la soluzione della Crisi d’Impresa, a cura di S. Bonfatti – R. Guidotti, Torino, 2022;
- Profili di diritto sostanziale e processuale in caso di sostituzione della delibera assembleare, in Giur. comm., 2019, II, pp. 902 ss.